Just Another Sunday Morning in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills car crash

Except it’s like so many other days in Beverly Hills: a violent crash on local streets. Just like the previous Thursday.

Beverly Hills car crash

One wag asked in the comments over at the department’s Instagram, “Why is everyone hauling ass and crashing in BH?”

That’s a great question! It is a question we’ve asked time and again of our Traffic & Parking commission and police department officials. Why can’t the department enforce our traffic laws? Read our memo to the commission about traffic safety in Beverly Hills. Consider the longtime decline in enforcement. Then ponder some more crashes as seen through the BHPD lens.

Beverly Hills car crash

Beverly Hills car crash

Beverly Hills car crash

Beverly Hills car crash

Beverly Hills car crash

Beverly Hills car crash

Beverly Hills car crash

Beverly Hills car crash

Beverly Hills car crash

Beverly Hills car crash

Not one of these Beverly Hills Police Department Instagram posts came with the standard police advisory: “Slow down, speed kills.”