Bike Skills via WeHo Bicycle Coalition & Mid City West CC
Our friends over at West Hollywood Bicycle Coalition are plugging bicycle safety classes for mid-June. If you haven’t brushed the rust off of your street skills in a while, this is a great opportunity to become reacquainted with the rules of the road and safe urban riding tips. Read on for more about the June 16th and June 30th classes.
If you think you’re safer because you’ve got decades behind you as a biped, think again. Crash fatalities tend to strike the middle-aged rider disproportionately – and especially males (we seem do do more riding).
C.I.C.L.E. (Cyclists Inciting Change thru LIVE Exchange) wants you to ride safely!
Do you want to make bicycling part of your daily travel routine, but you’re not sure where to start? We will teach you the rules of the road, how to plan your route, and provide tips and trips to make bicycling for everyday travel safe and convenient. From what to wear to bicycling etiquette, we’ve got you covered!
Presented by Metro, Mid City West Neighborhood Council, and C.I.C.L.E., these classes will help you learn how to ride legally on our roads. They call it ‘city riding.’ The philosophy is to be cognizant of our laws, hone the skills, and ride defensively. Remember we’re sharing the road with two-ton beasts piloted by distracted drivers. It’s not like it was when we were kids learning on the sidewalks.
RSVP if you can attend:
Bike 2 – Rules of the Road Class Saturday, June 16th at 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Bike 3 – Street Skills Saturday, June 30th at 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM.
Everything is free. Thanks again to Mid-City West (who was there for our Santa Monica Boulevard bike lane battle – and more!), Metro, and C.I.C.L.E for making our streets safer to ride.